- 465 -Enders, Bernd / Stange-Elbe, Joachim (Hrsg.): Global Village - Global Brain - Global Music 
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have implemented the collection of models of Perry Cook3
Perry Cook, “A ToolKit of Audio Synthesis Classes and Instruments in C++”, 1995 (available from the Princeton Sound Kitchen http://www.music.princeton.edu:80/PSK/).
. as Csound opcodes or unit generators.

This family fall into two general groups; the first are based on the waveguide concept4

Julius O. Smith, “Music Applications of Digital Waveguides”, CCRMA Tech Rep STAN-M-67, 1987 Staccato Systems. Synthbuilder. http://www.StaccatoSys.com/SynthBuilder.htm.
and include models of wind and string instruments. The second group are related to synthetic physical instruments such as the Hammond Organ, and hybrid modelling such as are used in FM sounds and modal systems.

With the waveguide instruments it is possible for a student to create, for example, a clarinet-like sound with

instr 1

;amp, freq, stiff, att, dtk, nGain, vFrq, vAmt, tab, lFrq

a1 wgclar p4, cpspch(p5), -0.3, p6, 0.1, 0.2, 5.735, 0.1, 1, 50

out a1


This example does demonstrate one of the problems with the provision of presets. Apart from the necessary amplitude and frequency parameters there are eight further values, which control the stiffness of the reed, the rate of attack and the way breath is stopped, and three controls of vibrato, together with a minimum frequency. For the initial learner these are rather more than they desire. We have taken the deliberate decision to err on the side of too many controls rather than too few, so that the student can be encouraged to experiment. Naturally we suggest ranges for normal use, but the student may feel inclined to stray outside these guidelines to investigate the extremes. It is essential to this approach that the constraints on the student are kept to a minimum while maintaining structure.

Despite the large range of parameters we hope that most students will feel the limitations and so will be ready to move to the second level.

Level 2 – Modelling Physical Instruments

The next step is to look at how the physical modelling opcodes work, and how they can be built from smaller components, like delay lines and filters. We can present the student with, for example, the clarinet sound from the previous example as a more typical Csound instrument.5

Hans Mikelson, “Mathematical Modeling with Csound: From Waveguides to Chaos”, Boulanger (ed) “The Csound Book: Tutorials in Software Synthesis and Sound Design”, MIT Press, 1999.
As the basic sound has already been heard, and modifications made, the otherwise obscure specification should relate to their experience.

; Clarinet Instrument based on Perry Cook’s Clarinet

; Coded by Hans Mikelson


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- 465 -Enders, Bernd / Stange-Elbe, Joachim (Hrsg.): Global Village - Global Brain - Global Music