- 492 -Enders, Bernd / Stange-Elbe, Joachim (Hrsg.): Global Village - Global Brain - Global Music 
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(Stand 1999)

Beran, Jan, 1983: Diploma in Mathematics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland; 1986: PhD in Mathematics, ETH Zurich; 1984–87: Studies in composition and music theory at the University of Zurich (among others at H.U. Lehmann); 1987–88: Visiting Assistant Professor in Statistics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (NC, USA); also since 1987: Visiting Scholar at various US universities (Standford, University of Washington, Cornell, MIT) and consultant for Bellcore (NJ, USA) and MathSoft, Inc. (Seattle, WA, USA); 1988–1991: Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University, USA; 1992–1994: Research Fellow, University of Zurich, Switzerland; since 1994: Associate Professor, University of Konstanz, Germany.

Boulanger, Richard, is Professor of Music Synthesis at Berkelee College of Music in Boston. He holds a BMus from the New England Conservatory, a MA from Virginia and a PhD from the University of California, San Diego. He is well known as a composer and teacher, and has recently edited a significant book on Csound.

Braun, Hans-Joachim, Prof. Dr., seit 1982 ordentl. Professor für Neuere Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Technikgeschichte an der Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Hauptarbeitsgebiete: Technische Neuerungen und Technologietransfer, fehlgeschlagene Innovationen, Technik und Kultur, insb. Technik und Musik. Zu letzterem verschiedene Veröffentlichungen u. a. in „Technikgeschichte“, Jge. 1992, 1994; Hg. von „I sing the BodyElectric“ – Music and Technology in the 20th Century (Hofheim: Wolke Verlag, 1999), Hg. der Schriftenreihe „Studien zur Technik-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte“, Generalsekretär des International Committee for the History of Technology (ICOHTEC), Vorsitzender des Wiss. Beirats der Georg Agricola Gesellschaft zur Föderung der Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik.

Bromwich, Mark Alexander, Composer/Electronics Designer, studied Electrical Engineering, specialising in communications systems. He has developed electronic systems for a number of research units including the Cosmic Ray Group and the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance project at Leeds University. Mark has lectured in Electro-acoustic Music at Bretton Hall, and is currently Studio Manager of the Electro-acoustic recording studios at the University of Huddersfield. Performances and commissions include: Specific Space a Multi-Media dance theatre performance installation Commissioned by the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival. Mark has been the Sound Manager of The Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival since 1979 and has both diffused and assisted other Electro-acoustic composers

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- 492 -Enders, Bernd / Stange-Elbe, Joachim (Hrsg.): Global Village - Global Brain - Global Music